Speaking to the media can be stressful, especially in a foreign language. But if a good student meets an experienced trainer it works.
How to inform Asylum Seekers efficiently
How does one efficiently inform asylum seekers who speak different languages, have different levels of literacy and are under incredible stress?
Biskhek Lecture: Attitude Changing Campaigns
Attitude changing campaigns are by far more challenging than your run-of-the-mill marketing campaign. Attempting to change beliefs and values held in a society as a whole are the royal discipline of communication.
Transcultural Goes Central Asia
UNHCR has tasked Transcultural Campaigning with developing a Regional Communication Strategy for Central Asia and conduct staff training. From 24 February to 7 March Executive Director Melita Sunjic conducted a fact-finding mission to Dushanbe, Bishkek and Almaty to study the communicating landscape and the rules of political advocacy in the region.
Earn – Learn – Return
African asylum-seekers want to return, but with some money and skills Vienna, 20.2.2019 – A new study by Transcultural Campaiging about French speaking Sub-Saharan African asylum -seekers in Germany and Austria
Exodus of the Youth and the Future of the Kurds
Dr. Melita H. Sunjic Lecture held at conference “The Future of the Kurds” on 10 October 2018 at the University of Sulaymaniyah, Northern Iraq
Training in preparation of humanitarian operations
The Austrian Study Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution (ASPR) runs an integrated training program designed to prepare provide civilian, military and police experts for missions to complex humanitarian emergencies. Melita H. Sunjic is one of the trainers.
Nicht über sondern mit Afrikanern reden
Europa soll nicht nur über afrikanische Migranten reden, sondern auch mit ihnen und endlich die Betroffenen selbst in die Suche nach Lösungen mit einbeziehen.
7 Theses about Irregular Migration
In the framework of Austria’s EU Presidency, 250 parliamentarians met for an Interparliamentary conference in Vienna discussing Security, Migration and External Borders. Melita H. Sunjic presented 7 Theses for regularizing migration. Closing borders was not one of them.
Research and Lecture in Sulaymaniya
Transcultural Campaigning goes Kurdistan: Melita H. Sunjic has been invited to speak at a Congress on the Future of Kurds, organized by the University of Sulaymaniya. She also used the opportunity to talk to refugee families in Arbat.