In the framework of Austria’s EU Presidency, 250 parliamentarians met for an Interparliamentary conference in Vienna discussing Security, Migration and External Borders. Melita H. Sunjic presented 7 Theses for regularizing migration. Closing borders was not one of them.
Berlin: Afrikanische Diaspora wird über Forschungsprojekt informiert
Transcultural Projektmitarbeiterin Shannon Kahnert berichtete in Berlin über das Projekt „Mapping der frankophonen afrikanischen Diaspora in Deutschland“. Anlass war 6.
Research and Lecture in Sulaymaniya
Transcultural Campaigning goes Kurdistan: Melita H. Sunjic has been invited to speak at a Congress on the Future of Kurds, organized by the University of Sulaymaniya. She also used the opportunity to talk to refugee families in Arbat.
Annual Conference of the European Migration network
Transcultural Campaigning Director Melita H. Sunjic hat the privilege to moderate one of the panels at the Annual Conference of the European Migration network in Vienna in the Grand Hall at the Federation of Austrian Industries.
Mapping the francophone African diaspora in Germany and Austria
Transcultural Campaigning started a 5-month research project mapping the francophone African diaspora in Germany and Austria. It is mostly funded by the German Government with a contribution from an Austrian governmental think tank.
Kurier Interview macht die Runde
“Wenn es um Schlepper und Fluchtgründe geht, kann man Melita Sunjic nichts vormachen. Europa setze an der falschen Stelle an.”
Achieving Attitude Change
Presentation on Attitude Change – the Royal Discipline of Campaigning at the Khartoum Process Meeting on Awareness Raising Campaigns in The Hague, 19/20 June 2018.
Musicians as Messengers
The highly successful UNHCR campaign Dangerous Crossings is warning people in the Horn of Africa about the dangers of crossing into Yemen. The campaign is centered on an award winning multilingual music video.
The Lies Told to Refugees
Melita H. Sunjic analyses rumours and myths, unspeakable nonsense and insidious lies circulating along refugee routes and explains what can be done to counter them.
When Refugees Smuggling Turns Into Trafficking
An article analysing the demand-driven emergence of smuggling networks in 2016 and the thin dividing line between (voluntary) smuggling and (forced) trafficking.