An international audience was attending an online conversation with Transcultural Campaigning Director Melita H. Šunjić on motives, expectations and realities of migrant and refugee lives on 15 February. The recording can be watched here:
The discussion was organised by the Vienna-based Concordia Club, the oldest journalist club in the world, and FJUM (Forum Journalism & Media).
Melita H. Šunjić was introduced as: a leading communication expert specialized on designing information campaigns for different refugee groups: her field work focuses on motives that trigger departure, challenges along the journey and expectations/frustrations upon arrival.
“To this end, she has interviewed over 2000 refugees prior to their departure, in transit countries and upon arrival and studied the methods of smuggling networks.
Šunjić is the co-founder and Director of Transcultural Campaigning, a Vienna-based agency specializing in migration research communication campaigns geared towards migrants and refugees. She has consulted several European Governments, the UNHCR as well as the EU Asylum Agency. For over 25 years, Šunjić worked for UNHCR in various communications functions in different conflict situations: the Balkans, Pakistan/Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Angola, Georgia, South Sudan, and the Middle East.
Šunjić has a PhD in Communication from the University of Vienna. She is an Austrian of Croatian origin. Her parents came to Austria as refugees.”